on 26 April next. our grade 10 and 11 will go out of town for the study tour. grade 10 will go to the solo and grade 11 will go to jogja.
we're happy because of this study tour, because we'll go together one class. then there is division in the hotel room later. One bedroom consists of 8 persons and we all have to share it.
and now, the problem is on the bus. previously, our classes aren't broken and we are all citizens of the ten four will be together on one bus. but because there is one class that protest because of its class are separated, and the impact on our class :(
so, our class finally split into two parts. one part is composed of 13 persons and the other consisting of 17 persons as possible. and well I just can surrender with all this. I can only hope that I stay with my friends and I can be happy there :)
and tomorrow we will go there, I ask for prayers from you all that we survived the trip and also to come home safely. amen
aaaand have fun guys!
thank you for reading my writing is not clear that this :p
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